2022 Lake Huron Georgian Bay Community Watershed Actions

Severn Sound Environmental Association is co-hosting a mini-summit called ‘2022 Lake Huron Georgian Bay Community Watershed Actions’!
Please come out and join the conversation Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 1 p.m. at the Tay Community Rink, 560 Calvert Street in Port McNicoll.
SSEA will be at the Tay Community Rink from 1-5:30 pm. Come connect with groups and individuals passionate about taking action to protect our watershed! Meet amazing and empowering groups working with communities around Lake Huron and Georgian Bay!
To register for this event, follow the Eventbrite link
Presenters include:
Justin Dumont, Councillor for the Georgian Bay Métis Council
Mayor Ted Walker, Township of Tay
Mayor George Cornell, Mayor Township of Tiny, Director on Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
Kim Gavine, General Manager Conservation Ontario
Sarah Smith, Huron County Water Protection Steering Committee
Glenn Cunnington, Muskoka Watershed Council
Funding for the event is from the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay Watershed – A Canadian Initiative for Community Action, sponsored by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks.
More details at www.severnsound.ca.
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