Committee of Adjustment Notice of Meeting File No. 2023-A-06

This is a matter of an application made pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act to the
Committee of Adjustment submitted by David Swales on behalf of the Ebenezer United
Church, owner of 5450 Ebenezer Sideroad, legally described as Concession 2, South Part
Lot 86, Township of Tay.

The applicant is requesting relief from one (1) provision of the Township of Tay Zoning By-
law 2000-57 as amended, to allow for an addition to a non-complying dwelling.


A key map and site plan are included in this notice for review.

The Committee of Adjustment will consider this application on Wednesday, June 14,
2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Take Notice that any person may make a submission in support of or in opposition to the
proposed Minor Variance application. Written submissions regarding the proposal can be
sent to the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer at, or by mail
at Township of Tay 450 Park Street, PO Box 100 Victoria Harbour, ON L0K 2A0, facsimile
705-534-4493. The Secretary-Treasurer will speak to the comments received as part of the
presentation to Committee. The Committee of Adjustment will be meeting remotely via
Zoom video and telephone conference.

To view the meeting online visit
or for info on how to connect. To listen by telephone call
705-999-0385 (a local telephone number) and enter meeting ID number 843 5109

If you are unable to make written submissions and therefore wish to make an oral statement
during the meeting, you can do so by using the “raise hand” function on the Zoom Video
call or on a dial pad of a phone by dialing *9 while connected to the meeting by telephone.

If you, or your agent, do not attend the hearing (by remote video or telephone conference),
it may proceed in your absence and except as otherwise prescribed by regulation; you will
not be entitled to any further notice in the proceedings.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in respect of the
proposed minor variance, or provide comments prior to the meeting date, you must make
a written request to the Secretary-Treasurer.

Dated: May 31, 2023

Todd Weatherell, RPP, CPT
Secretary Treasurer

Key Map

Key Map

Proposed Site Map

Proposed site map

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