Confirmed Blue-Green Algae Bloom in Victoria Harbour - August 25, 2023

The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) has received test results from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) confirming a blue-green algae bloom in Victoria Harbour, Tay Township. 

Blue-green algae are microscopic organisms that are naturally present in lakes and streams. They are usually present in low numbers but can rapidly increase when the water is warm, slow-moving, and full of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. When this happens, they can form dense blooms and some blooms can produce toxins.

How to spot a potential blue-green algae bloom:

- Water appears green, blue, turquoise, or olive green.
- Looks like scum, foam, mats, or paint floating on the water’s surface.
- Smells like rotting garbage, rotten eggs, or rotting plants.
- Dead fish or other animals on the shoreline.

You cannot tell if a bloom is harmful by looking at it so all residents and pets should exercise caution and stay out of the impacted areas. 

The blue-green algae conditions are impacting the Lighthouse Crescent/Hogg Bay (Northeast Shoreline) area of Tay Township. Due to the proximity, MacKenzie Beach is under further investigation. Tay Township staff have posted warning signage at the public beach. 

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