Council Highlights – August 25, 2021

Council highlights provide an update of important information discussed at the previous council meeting.  Full agendas and minutes are available at

Special Council Meeting 2022 Budget Public Consultation

The purpose of the open public forum was to give community members an opportunity to provide feedback on the 2022 budget direction. The meeting began with a short power point presentation from Tay Township’s Financial Analyst, which provided a brief overview of where your tax dollars go, a breakdown of tax dollars for township services, average 2021 tax bill, and 2022 budget pressures. To review the entire power point presentation please visit You can still have your say on this topic, fill out a short survey at The survey will close on September 13th 2021 at 8:30 a.m.

Proposal for Operation, Maintenance and Management of Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities

Council approved the recommendation to endorse the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) proposal to provide Operations, Maintenance and Management of Water and Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Tay Township. After the initial, July 28, 2021 presentation to Council from OCWA, staff began evaluating OCWA’s proposal and compared this proposal to the manner in which water and wastewater services are being delivered to our residents today. This evaluation was from both a cost and operational efficiency perspective, and with this evaluation, staff determined that engaging OCWA, an agency of the Province of Ontario, for the operation and maintenance of our water and wastewater services will better serve our users and will ensure the continued safety and sustainability of our systems, as our community continues to grow. Staff will continue to work with OCWA to bring forward, as soon as possible, the authorizing bylaw and the corresponding service agreement for Council’s consideration. While it is Council’s intent to engage OCWA for the operation and maintenance of our water and wastewater systems, the Township will maintain complete ownership and control of the systems at all times. For more detailed information on this topic, including the OCWA presentation and the staff report visit

Port McNicoll Fire Station Renovations

Council awarded the Port McNicoll Fire Station Interior Renovations and Barrier Free Washrooms to Y&R Construction for the amount of $224,863 plus HST. This project will utilize a $177,315 grant from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The renovations to the Port McNicoll Fire Station will increase the safety of our firefighters while meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development Firefighter Cancer Prevention Checklist. The project is scheduled for completion by December 31, 2021 as per the ICIP grant funding requirements. Review the full report at

Tay Township meets for regular council meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

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