Council Highlights – February 24, 2021

Council highlights provide an update of important information discussed at the previous council meeting.  Full agendas and minutes are available at

Planning Act Public Meeting – Defining Short Term Rental Accommodation

A Planning Act Public Meeting was held to consider an amendment to the Township’s Zoning By-law to add and define the term Short Term Rental Accommodation.  Multiple community members participated in the discussion which were collected for information.  For more details and to review the full agenda visit 

During the Regular Council Meeting a motion was passed by council to form a Short-Term Rental Ad-hoc Committee to, generally, review either regulating short-term rental accommodations or review options to address concerns related to short-term rental accommodations via existing Township by-laws.  The ad-hoc committee will consist of the chair and vice-chair of the Protective and Development Services Committee. The ad-hoc committee will consider input from interested stakeholders and report back to Council in the coming months.

2022 Municipal Election

A staff report was brought forward on municipal election voting options and how they work.  In 2014 voter turnout was 35%, during the 2018 election vote by mail or in-person voting were implemented and as a result voter turnout increased to 40%.  The report was received for information, with the request that staff bring back more information on the cost of each voting option. 

On a similar note, Council is also reviewing the council composition and ward system for the 2022 Municipal Election.  Council will be deciding on two items; the number of councillors (5 or 7) and whether councillors are elected by ward or at-large (no wards).  A virtual public meeting will be held on March 17, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  For full details and other ways to “Have your Say” visit

Fire Permits and Open Air Burning

Council and staff have reviewed the rules and regulations around outdoor burning in our Township.  After much deliberation, the rules around outdoor burning will remain unchanged. The times permitted for outdoor burning remain unchanged, as well.  To review what can and cannot be burned please visit

Please note that fines for repeated infractions related to the burning of prohibited materials have changed and will now be based on a three-offence system.

  • 1st offence – warning with education in the case of minor offences.
  • 2nd offence - fine in the amount the Township currently applies for offences.  Full list available via the open air fires by-law.
  • 3rd offence - fine plus cancellation of your fire permit for the remainder of the calendar year.  This will be revaluated at the end of the year at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

2021 fire permits can be purchased online starting March 1st at

For more information on open air burning in Tay Township please visit

To view the entire agenda for the February 24 council meeting, and for minutes of previous meetings, please visit

Tay Township meets for regular council meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

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