Council Highlights – September 22, 2021

Council highlights provide an update of important information discussed at the previous council meeting.  Full agendas and minutes are available at

Funding Opportunity for the Tay Community Rink

Council directed Staff to apply for a funding opportunity that would see the conversion of the Tay Community Rink storage room into change rooms. The funding opportunity comes through the Community Building Fund-Capital Stream and is to be used for the repair, renovation or retrofitting of existing sport and recreation facilities to address a local community need. Increasing the number of changerooms, including washrooms and showers for each, from two to four will eliminate down time required for COVID-19 sanitization/cleaning during general public skate/shinny times as well as increase capacity limits. It will also eliminate down time between same gender hockey team rental times, now and into the post-pandemic future and will provide flexibility and options to support mixed-gender usage, making the facility welcoming and available to individuals of all gender identities. Overall the additional change room facilities will better enhance the facilities operational capacity to handle the public and user groups more effectively. The funding program funds 100% of costs between $10,000 and $500,000 and must be completed within one year of approval.

Guide rails on Albin Road and Grandview Road

Council approved work to install Guide Rails on Albin Road and Grandview Road at a cost of $38,440. This cost includes a contingency for rock drilling, as both locations have extensive shoreline revetment to prevent scouring of the side slopes of the road adjacent to Georgian Bay. The 2021 Road Program Capital Budget has remaining funds available to cover the guide rail budget shortage.

2022-2031 Long Term Plan overview has begun

During the September Committee Meetings Staff presented the 2022-2031 Long Term Plan overview to Council, which included the Long Term Plan Summary, Reserve Summary, and recommendations from staff to incrementally increase capital reserve transfers to ensure that funds are available for capital project needs over the next 10 years. Council adopted the long term plan and approved reserve transfer recommendations, which will form the basis of the draft capital and operating budgets that will be brought forward to committees on October 13 and 14. Council’s intent is to keep additional capital/project contributions from the tax rate to a minimum, looking to address residents' needs of today, while maintaining the long-term financial health of the municipality. To review the entire Report visit

Tay Township meets for regular council meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

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