Enjoy Your Stay in Tay Community Guide – Advertising Opportunity

We are reaching out to local businesses in Tay Township with the opportunity to advertise in the 2022 edition of the “Enjoy your Stay in Tay” Community Guide. Please click this link to review the 2021 edition. The guide covers a quick history of the area, local attractions for all ages, and a quick overview of our community standards.

This guide was made available at the Township office, and 10 copies each were mailed to a total of 92 known short-term rental accommodation operators in Tay Township in the summer of 2021.

The guide is a perfect welcome gift to offer those who are visiting our community, be it for vacation, or just passing through to see family and friends.

This guide was met with positive feedback from community members and visitors, and it is on this success that we are reaching out to our local businesses with the opportunity to advertise, with the option to provide a coupon or discount, in the 2022 publication. The cost of advertising in this material is as follows:

Print Ready Ad

Full Page

2/3 Page

1/3 Page


All design work is done by client.


Print ready artwork sent to Tay Staff.











An additional cost of $125.00 will be added, if assistance is needed with Ad design work.

Print Ready Coupon

(Double Sided)

Full Page

2/3 Page

1/3 Page

Includes tear out page for easy use.

All design work is done by client (front and back of coupon).

Print ready artwork sent to Tay Staff.










An additional cost of $175.00 will be added, if assistance is needed with Coupon design work.

This book will once again be mailed to known short-term rental accommodations operators in Tay Township, as well as placed in the Information Kiosks throughout the Township, at the local Library branches and tourist information offices in neighbouring municipalities.

If you are interested please reach out to Communications Specialist Elizabeth Smith prior to March 25th 2022.


Elizabeth Smith

Communications Specialist

Phone: 705-534-7248 x264

Email: esmith@tay.ca

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