Huronia Community Foundation (HCF) Vital Signs Survey

Vital Signs Survey

Huronia Community Foundation is conducting a Vital Signs®? Survey of all residents of North Simcoe to understand what the most pressing needs are in our community. The data gathered will support evidence-based, locally relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level.

The survey will take just over 5 minutes to complete and closes at midnight on July 20th, 2022. No personal or identifying information will be collected or shared.

Please complete the survey by clicking HERE. Share it with others in your household or friends you think may not have received it.

Vital Signs 2022

It has been 6 years since HCF has completed their last Vital Signs report and it’s time for an update!

Huronia Community Foundation (HCF) is undertaking the creation of a new Vital Signs®? report which will identify the most pressing issues in our community.

Vital Signs is Canada’s most extensive community-driven data initiative. Spearheaded by Community Foundations of Canada, more than 65 national community foundations and 41 international community foundations produce Vital Signs reports, host “Vital Conversations,” and more.

Vital Signs use local knowledge to measure the vitality of a community and support action towards improving collective quality of life. Local data gathered through the program is used to support evidence-based, locally-relevant solutions to improve the quality of life at the community level. Vital Signs aims to inspire civic engagement, to provide a focus for public debate, and to help a range of actors take action and direct resources where they will have the greatest impact.

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