Notice of Proposed Cemetery By-law

Please take notice that the Council of the Township of Tay has intent to pass a by-law to regulate the operation of the Victoria Harbour Union Cemetery, which will be owned and operated by the Township of Tay, at its Regular Council meeting to be held on June 26, 2019.

Upon passage, the Township of Tay will submit the by-law to the Registrar, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, Bereavement Authority of Ontario.

The by-law is not effective until the Registrar approves it.

Any interested parties may contact the undersigned for information or to obtain a copy of the by-law:

Alison Gray, Clerk
Township of Tay
450 Park Street, PO Box 100                                           
Victoria Harbour ON  L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248 x240
Email Alison

The by-law is subject to the approval of the Registrar, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, Bereavement Authority of Ontario.

Bereavement Authority of Ontario (BAO)
Phone: 647-483-2645 or 1-844-493-6456
Email the BAO

Dated: May 24, 2019

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