Outdoor watering ban extended

For Immediate Release:

Date: June 8, 2021

Time: 1:30 p.m.

Outdoor watering ban extended

Tay, Ontario: Water production capacity impacting work required for the installation of an additional water filter at the Tay Area Water Treatment Plant is expected to be completed in the next two weeks.  With the warmer than average temperatures, the outdoor watering ban will be extended until at least June 22, 2021 to ensure a reliable supply of water to municipal water users.

The water filter installation work started last fall and will increase the production capacity of the plant.  Also underway is work on installing water taste and odour control equipment.  This work is expected to be completed by late summer.  Please visit tay.ca/water for more information on these upgrades.

No outdoor watering is permitted at this time.

Outdoor watering represents a significant portion of the Township’s water demand during the summer months. The ban on outdoor watering ensures that strained water resources remain available for human consumption and sanitation.

Municipal Law Enforcement Officers will be on duty to enforce compliance with the outdoor watering ban. Voluntary compliance with the Township’s water use regulations is appreciated by the Township and other municipal water users.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community.



Mike Mortimer

Interim Manager of Water/Wastewater Operations

Phone: 705-534-7248 x241

Email: mmortimer@tay.ca


Elizabeth Smith

Communications Specialist

Phone: 705-534-7248 x264

Email: esmith@tay.ca

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