Tay Township Council Approves 2020 Budget


Date: December 18, 2019
Time: 9:00 P.M.

Tay Township Council Approves 2020 Budget

Tay, Ontario – On December 18, 2019 Tay Township Council approved the Township’s 2020 budget that includes $9.6 million in taxation and $5.2 million in water & wastewater rates.  The Township’s annual budget also includes funding from reserves, grants, development charges and investments which all contribute to funding municipal services and construction projects.  In 2020 Tay has planned $4.7 million in taxation supported capital projects and $3.0 million in water & wastewater rate supported capital projects.

Tay Township households, on average, will each contribute 2.5% more in taxes to the Township in 2020 than they did in 2019.  For an average home in Tay, assessed at $222,707, this will mean an increase of $3.10/month.

While water rates will remain the same in 2020 as they were in 2019, wastewater system users will see a 4% increase to rates or $2.92/month for a single family home.

One significant contributor to this year’s increase is 1.46% that is related to an increase in capital spending on roads, parks, fire and other municipal assets.  Another contributor to the budget increase in 2020 is a significant increase in insurance premiums largely driven by the issue of joint and several liability resulting in municipalities being found 100% liable for claims where they have little involvement.

Council also considered many requests from external agencies for funding.  The largest increase (55%) came from the Severn Sound Environmental Association in conjunction with Sustainable Severn Sound.  These two organizations are working on a merger implementation strategy in order to further strengthen the environmental quality and stewardship work within the Severn Sound area.

Mayor Ted Walker expressed that “Council and staff have worked diligently through the fall to deliver a budget that balances our residents’ desires for improvements in roads, parks and the services they rely on, against the financial pressures that face both the municipality and residents alike.  Council believes that we’ve achieved that balance and is committed to a continuous search for efficiencies and innovations for the benefit of our residents.”

Budget Highlights

Advancement of Road Program

Council has decided to undertake many of the road projects originally planned for 2021 and 2022 in 2020.  This will result in a number of road sections being resurfaced 1 or 2 years earlier than originally planned to improve road conditions now.  Council will determine the specifics of the 2020 road program by the spring of 2020.

Equipment Replacements

Council is addressing the Township’s equipment needs by ordering a replacement water tanker for the Fire and Emergency Services Department in order to receive the new tanker by the time the current one becomes 20 years old.

Council is also ensuring that the Public Works Department can operate efficiently and respond to emergencies by purchasing a hydro-excavation truck to be used when working on buried infrastructure.

Both the tanker and hydro-excavation trucks will be used to deliver or maintain services for both urban and rural Township residents.

Park Improvements

Council will continue to invest in our community parks by providing new play structures, upgrading lighting and field conditions at our ball diamonds, and enhancing washroom facilities.  Spot repairs will also be completed on the popular Tay Shore Trail.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community. 



Joanne Sanders
Director of Finance / Treasurer
Phone: 705-534-7248 x226
Email: jsanders@tay.ca

Daryl C. W. O’Shea
Director of Technology and Communications
Phone: 705-534-7248 x233
Email: doshea@tay.ca

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