Tay Township lowers flags following death of former Reeve Bruce Tinney

For Immediate Release:

Date: April 15, 2022

Time: 9:45 p.m.

Tay Township lowers flags following death of former Reeve Bruce Tinney

Tay, Ontario: Tay Township has lowered its flags to honour the passing, this past Wednesday, of former Tay Township Reeve and council member Bruce Tinney.

On behalf of Mayor Walker, Council, Staff and all Tay Residents we extend our condolences to Bruce’s children Mike, Robin and Deb, as well as the entire Tinney family.

Bruce Tinney was a councillor in the 1970’s and ultimately Reeve of Tay Township in the 1980’s. He was predeceased by his beloved wife Patricia Tinney, who recently passed in August of 2020.

Bruce was an exemplary community volunteer, becoming a charter member of the Midland Civitan Club in 1967, and was honoured as a Civitan International Fellow in 1992. The award recognizes Civitan leaders for their outstanding volunteer efforts, commitment to service, and excellence as a Civitan member.

Flags throughout the Township have been lowered in tribute to Bruce’s service to both Tay Township and the broader North Simcoe community.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community.



Elizabeth Smith

Communications Specialist

Phone: 705-534-7248 x264

Email: esmith@tay.ca

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