Tay Township lowers Flags in honour of the passing of David Onley, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Tay Township lowers Flags in honour of the passing of David Onley, former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Tay Township has lowered its flags in honour of the passing of David Onley, who served as the 28th lieutenant-governor of Ontario.

David Onley was born in Midland Ontario and served the province with honour and distinction as lieutenant-governor from 2007 until 2014, becoming the first vice-regal with a physical disability. He worked tirelessly to raise public awareness about accessibility issues, encouraging people ‘to see the ability, rather than the disability.”

On behalf of Council, Staff and the residents of Tay Township we send our deepest condolences to Mr. Onley’s family.

Flags will remain at half-mast until the day after the funeral.

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