Tay Township Municipal Office Closed to the Public – March 18, 2020 COVID-19 Update

UPDATE: March 27, 2020 8:00 PM

At the March 25, 2020 meeting of Council, the waiver of late fees and interest on current accounts was extended to May 1, 2020 for any bills due after March 16, 2020.  Council intends to consider extending the May 1 date at their April 22 Council meeting.  Visit our website at tay.ca/COVID-19 for updates to this policy.


Date: March 18, 2020
Time: 9:45 P.M.

Tay Township Municipal Office Closed to the Public – March 18, 2020 COVID-19 Update

Tay, Ontario – Following a Special Council meeting held on March 18 to discuss the evolving COVID-19 pandemic situation, Council has made the difficult decision to close the Tay Township Municipal Office to the Public, effective immediately, until further notice.

Mayor Ted Walker stated that “closing the municipal office is not something that Council has taken lightly, but it is felt to be the best way to ensure that the municipality remains in a position to deliver the most critical services that our residents rely on for their health and well-being.  Rest assured that Tay Township will continue to provide essential services such as fire and emergency services, water, wastewater and roads maintenance services.  Our dedicated staff will also do their best to provide as much service as they can over the phone, by email or online”.

Tay Township staff will continue to report to work to provide service over the phone, by email or online and to maintain Township infrastructure.  Township staff can be contacted at 705-534-7248 or via email by visiting tay.ca/Contact

During the municipal office closure the following measures have been implemented to ensure that the Township remains in a position to provide critical services:

· Staff are available by telephone and email to help you with your immediate needs.

· Please call us at: 705-534-7248

· Visit our contact page at: www.tay.ca/Contact

· Payments can be made in the drop box located outside the municipal office.

· Payments for tax and water bills can also be made through your bank either online or at a bank branch.

· Late fees and interest will not be charged until after April 20, 2020 (UPDATED March 27, 2020: late fees and interest will now be waived until after May 1, 2020) for any bills due after March 16, 2020.  Visit our website at tay.ca/COVID-19 for updates to this policy.

· Fire Permits can be purchased online at tay.ca/FirePermits

· Summer Day Camp and Soccer registrations can be done online anytime at tay.ca/Register or by calling 705-534-7248 x232.

· Dog Tags will not be sold at this time.  Please call the Canine Enforcement Officer at 705-534-7248 x248 to register your dog and intent to purchase a Dog Tag once the COVID-19 situation has passed.  The two dog per household limit remains in effect.

· All Council Advisory Committees and Committee of Adjustment meetings for March and April have been cancelled.

· Building Permit applications are not being accepted at this time.  Visit tay.ca/COVID-19 for more info or call the building division at 705-534-7248 x220 for advice on your particular situation.

· Building Permit inspections have currently been suspended.  Please contact the building division at 705-534-7248 x220 BEFORE PROCEEDING with work to learn about your options.

Tay Township has taken further measures to separate staff in all departments into at least two groups to ensure that we are in a position to deliver critical services at all times.  We have also made arrangements with neighbouring municipalities to share resources if necessary.

Please rest assured that we will continue to provide essential services such as fire and emergency services, water, wastewater and road maintenance services.  The health and well-being of our community, both residents and staff is our number one priority. 

While we pride ourselves on normally providing all of our services reliably every day, we have taken the above measures to limit many of our non-essential or non-time sensitive services in order to ensure that we stay in a position to provide the critical services you rely on.  Council and staff thank you for your understanding during this difficult time for all Ontarians.

To talk to one of our staff during regular business hours please call us at 705-534-7248.  Due to high call volumes you may need to leave a message.  We will call you back.

For up-to-date information about the impacts of COVID-19 precautions on Tay Township municipal services, please visit tay.ca/COVID-19, follow us on Twitter @TayTownship or call us at 705-534-7248.

For up-to-date information about meetings, visit our meeting calendar at tay.ca/calendar.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community. 



Daryl C. W. O’Shea
Director of Technology and Communications
Phone: 705-534-7248 x233
Email: doshea@tay.ca

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