Tay Township publishes 2017 Budget Overview


January 27, 2017

Tay Township publishes 2017 Budget Overview

VICTORIA HARBOUR, TAY TOWNSHIP, ON: Tay Township released an overview of its 2017 Preliminary Operating and Capital Budget, which was adopted in December for implementation in January.

The four-page document includes the budget process, breakdown of the $15.8 million operating and $10.1 million capital budgets, overview of 11 projects slated for 2017, and breakdown of services for your tax dollars.

“The publishing of the 2017 Budget Overview furthers Council’s commitment to achieving open and effective communication between the municipality and the residents of Tay Township,” said Mayor Scott Warnock, “with an objective to increase local awareness, interest, and transparency around the key issues impacting the future of the municipality,” he continued.

Tay Township will publish a Budget Overview each year, which will help highlight year-over-year changes along with the fiscal challenges faced by the Township.

Download the 2017 Budget Overview at tay.ca/budgetoverview and mark your calendar for the Final Budget meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 12 at 9 a.m. in the municipality’s Council Chamber (450 Park Street, Victoria Harbour).

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Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social, and environmental well-being of its residents and community.


Joanne Sanders
Director of Finance / Treasurer
Phone: 705-534-7248 x226
Email: jsanders@tay.ca

Lynn Racicot
Communications and Special Projects Officer
Phone: 705-534-7248 x264
Email: lracicot@tay.ca

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