Tay Township Raises the Flag for National Indigenous Peoples Day - June 21, 2024

Group holding flagToday, Tay Township is joining all Canadians in recognizing June 21, 2024, as National Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a significant occasion where we honour and celebrate the rich cultures, traditions and invaluable contributions of our First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples.

National Indigenous Peoples Day holds immense significance as a time for reflection, learning, and reconciliation. It provides us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of Indigenous history, culture, and perspectives. It is a day to honour the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities and to reaffirm our commitment to truth, healing, and reconciliation.

The raising of the Indigenous flag symbolizes our respect and solidarity with Indigenous peoples. It serves as a visible reminder of our shared journey towards reconciliation and our commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable society for all.

I urge all members of our community to take time not only on June 21st but also beyond, to celebrate and recommit ourselves to the work of reconciliation.

Let us strive to listen, learn, and to amplify Indigenous voices.

Let us work together to address the ongoing injustices faced by Indigenous peoples and build meaningful partnerships based on mutual respect and understanding.

Ted Walker, Mayor

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