Tay Township reminds trail users to Share the Trail

Tay Township ON: Tay Township reminds users of multi-use, non-motorized trails – such as the Tay Shore Trail – to Share the Trail.

“Tay Township’s Share the Trail campaign aims to remind trail users to respect the environment and other users,” said Bryan Anderson, Manager of Parks, Recreation and Facilities, “It’s every trail user’s responsibility and right to ensure their own safety and expect safe practice from other trail users.”

Trail users can help make the Tay Shore Trail safe for everyone by following these guidelines:

  • Be courteous - All trail users – including walkers, runners, cyclists, rollerbladers and skiers – should be respectful of other users regardless of their mode, speed and skill.
  • Be predictable - Travel in a consistent and predictable manner. Always look behind before changing positions on the trail.
  • Don't block the trail - When in a group or with your pet(s), use no more than half the trail so as not to block the flow of other users.
  • Keep right - Stay as near to the right side of the trail as is safe except when passing another user.
  • Pass on the left - Pass others, going your direction, on their left. Yield to slower and oncoming traffic. Use hand signals to alert those behind you of your moves. Look ahead and back to make sure the lane is clear before you pull out and pass. Pass with ample separation and do not move back to the right until safely ahead.
  • Be cautious when stopping - When stopping, move off the trail. Beware of others approaching you from behind and make sure they know you are pulling over.
  • Give audible warning before passing - Give a clear signal by using your voice, bell or horn before passing. Give the person you’re passing time to respond. Watch for their reaction. So that you can hear these signals, don't wear headphones on the trail.
  • Obey traffic signs and signals - Use extra caution where the trail crosses streets. Stop at all signs and intersections. When entering or crossing a trail yield to traffic on the trail.
  • Use lights at night - Be equipped with lights when using the trail from dusk to dawn.
  • Be respectful of private property - Trails are open to the public, but often the land on the side of the trail is private property. Please respect all property rights.
  • Clean up litter - Do not leave glass, paper, cans, plastic, or any other debris on or near the trail.

“Trail users are invited to engage with the campaign using the #TayShoreTrail and #ShareTheTrail hashtags on Twitter,” said Lynn Racicot, Communications and Special Projects Officer. Follow Tay Township at @TayTownship.

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The Tay Shore Trail boasts over 18 kilometers of paved trail that meanders along the shores of Georgian Bay showcasing vistas of the Bay, Wye, Hogg and Sturgeon Rivers. The trail is fully accessible and ideal for rollerblading, biking, walking, running, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Interpretive plaques along the trail display the local wildlife, terrain and Tay’s rich history.


Bryan Anderson
Manager of Parks and Recreation
Phone: 705-534-7248 x235
Email: banderson@tay.ca

Lynn Racicot
Communications and Special Projects Officer
Phone: 705-534-7248 x264
Email: lracicot@tay.ca

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