Heritage Committee>
It is the Heritage Committee's role to support, encourage, and facilitate the conservation, protection and preservation of the Heritage of Tay Township
The Tay Heritage Committee is the local architectural conservation advisory body that is appointed by Council. The Heritage Committee is governed by the Ontario Heritage Act to advise and assist Council on matters relating to heritage.

Terry Fegarty
Cheryl Larocque
John H. Todd
Harry Joel Rumney
Corey Howden
Gerald Auger
Council Representative - Sylvia Bumstead
Staff Support - Manager of Planning and Development Services
Tay has more than 300 century-old buildings in its larger settlement areas and over 100 century buildings in rural areas. The Tay Heritage Committee mapped the distribution of century buildings, identified clusters, and outlined a historic district for each settlement area:
- Port McNicoll
- Victoria Harbour
- Waubaushene
- Waverley
Signs are being installed to mark the boundaries of the four historic districts.
View the heritage map of our designated and registered heritage buildings.
Properties with a 'heritage designation'
- 154 William - Victoria Harbour Hardware
- 152 William - Victoria Harbour Old Library/Municipal Office
- 95 Jephson - St. Paul's Presbyterian Church
- 1831 Rumney Road - Rumney House
- 17039 County Road 27 - Waverley United Church
- 200 Cherry Street - Woodland Rest
- 6426 Highway 93 - Waverley School
Properties 'on the register'
Recognized Properties
- 121 Richard - Victoria Manor
- 3706 Vasey Road
- 22 Hazel - Christ Church
- 278 Albert Street - The Balaclava House
- 556 Algoma
Properties 'in the Heritage Inventory'
Buildings that are designated by By-law under the Ontario Heritage Act are given a blue plaque that acknowledges the buildings significance to the community based on its cultural heritage value or interest.
The Designation By-law is registered on title which means its stays with the property even if the owners change. The By-law specifically outlines which characteristics are of local heritage significance to be protected. These characteristics cannot be altered or removed unless a heritage permit is received through the township in accordance to the Ontario Heritage Act.
The Heritage Committee is a great resource for owners for suggestions regarding the alterations.
Click Here for more information on Tay Township's Designated Properties.
Heritage Protection in Tay Township
The following levels of heritage protection exist in Tay Township for Heritage buildings and structures
The Heritage Inventory has information on some of the Township's built heritage assets. The inventory is for information purposes only and provides no level of protection of the building.
Buildings are recognized by the Heritage Committee and are given a burgundy heritage plaque in acknowledgement of the building's significance to the community. Although there is no protection to these buildings under the Ontario Heritage Act, buildings that are recognized could also be found on the Heritage Register and thus be subject to some levels of protection.
The Township is required under the Ontario Heritage Act to keep a register of heritage properties that council believes to be of cultural heritage value or interest. Although these properties have not been 'Designated', the owner shall not demolish or remove the building or structure on their property unless they give the clerk 60 days' notice in writing of the owner's intention to demolish. This provides the council time to consider protecting it.
Note: Despite its name, a property in the register is not actually registered on the property's title.
This permit application should be utilized by those persons possessing an individually designated heritage building. The types of external alterations which require a Heritage Permit are explained in this application.
When do I need a heritage permit?
An owner only needs to apply for a heritage permit when they are making alterations to a building that affects the heritage attributes of their 'designated' heritage building.
Is my property eligible?
Eligible properties must be 'Designated' under the Ontario Heritage Act and have entered into a Heritage Easement Agreement.
What is the process?
- Download and complete the Heritage Permit Application.
- Bring the forms into the Township for approval.
- The Heritage Committee reviews the alteration plans and makes a recommendation to council.
Note: If there is a differing opinion between the Heritage Committee and the owner in regards to the permit, Council is the deciding body.
Heritage Tax Rebate Program
The program was created to encourage investment in a building or structure of historic or architectural value to our local history. The refund program covers up to 40% of property tax. All municipal taxes are counted in including:
- Simcoe County taxes,
- Tay Township taxes
- and the School Board taxes.
Note: churches do not pay taxes so they are already exempt.
Complete and submit the Heritage Tax Refund Application to the Municipal Office between February 1st and the last day of February to be eligible for the Heritage Tax Rebate for the previous year. This application must be submitted annually.
Heritage Blog
The Heritage Committee uses a blog to discuss our Township's heritage. Visit the heritage blog for information on:
Heritage Tours
Tours have been designed by the Heritage Committee for the public to promote and celebrate the local heritage in the area. In recent years, there have been two driving rallies designed by the Heritage Committee for the public to promote and celebrate Tay Township's heritage.
Please use the following maps to explore the local heritage by foot in the villages and rural area of the Township.
Interested in researching the heritage of your property?
Here are some great places to start
Our Local Tay Township Libraries are a great start. The following books are recommended to start your search:
- Victoria Harbour Library - A Mill Town Legacy by Barbaranne Boyer & Michael A. Boyer (1989).
- Chicago of the North - A history of Port McNicoll by Mark Bourrie (1993).
- Ontario Architecture - A Guide to Styles and Building Terms 1784 to the present by John Blumenson (1990).
- Parks Canada - Brochure on The Buildings of Canada - A guide to pre-20th century styles in houses, churches and other structures.
Note: Tay is mostly comprised of the gothic revival style
At the Huronia Museum you can find
- Newspapers back to the late 1800s
- Important people and obituaries
Simcoe County Archives can provide the following:
- Assessment and tax rolls
- Names of owners and tenants
- Number of stories that buildings have
- Note: Before 1856 everything was in pounds and pence not dollars
At the Simcoe County Land Registry office you can find
- Past owners and historic plans of subdivision
- Abstracts on deeds and mortgages
- Chain of ownership
- Before 1921 they are publicly accessible
- View the Library and Archives Censuses of Canada
At the National Archives of Canada you can find
- Digitized maps that you can download
Still have Questions? Review the Heritage Overview Presentation
Tay Township
450 Park Street, PO Box 100
Victoria Harbour
ON L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248
Todd Weatherell
Manager of Planning and Development Services
705-534-7248 ext. 225