Water and Wastewater

Tay Township works with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) to safely and efficiently maintain and operate our municipally owned water and wastewater treatment facilities. We supply safe drinking water to municipal water users across the Township.

Any concerns or difficulties experienced with: water discolouration, smell/taste, water pressure, sewers or work in your area should be addressed to OCWA at 1-866-775-7712, weekly from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

For after-hours emergency service for Water/Wastewater please call 705-526-5762.

For inquiries related to billing/rates please contact the Tay Township Finance Department at:

Residential/Non-metered: 705-534-7248 ext 227

Commercial/Metered: 705-534-7248 ext 249


Pay Your Bill 

2025 Water and Sanitary Rates

If you notice water discolouration, please perform the following troubleshooting steps to determine if the issue is an internal plumbing issue

  • Run the tap closest to the incoming service line (usually in the basement)
  • Once cleared, continue throughout the home for all water fixtures
  • If the water is not cleared after 15minutes, wait 30 minutes and repeat the process
  • If discolouration continues call OCWA at 1-866-775-7712.

For inquiries related to billing/rates please contact the Tay Township Finance Department at 705-534-7248 ext 227. 

The cost of providing water and sanitary services is based on a user pay system. Tay Township water and/or sewer bills are distributed quarterly. Residential properties are billed a minimum flat rate.

Commercial and residential properties with apartments are metered and billed on a minimum flat rate and water consumption.

  • Not all vacant lots have municipal water and/or sanitary service laterals pre-installed.
  • The Municipality is responsible to install water and/or water and sanitary services to the property line only.
  • Property owners are responsible for the cost of the work.
  • Deposits are required to be paid prior to advertising the work

Cost of new water service and/or sanitary service is time & materials (or actual cost if work was completed by a contractor). The property owner is responsible for the total cost of the lateral installation. 

*Additional connection fees may apply.*

Service installation or replacements are advertised to contractors with experience working on water and sanitary mains and, have supplied WSIB, insurance and proof of health and safety plan.

The property owner is responsible for the maintenance, repair and installation of service lines that are between the property line/valve and the building.

Property owners are advised of costs before proceeding and accepting a quotation for the job.

Tay Township accepts the following payment methods: cheque, cash, or debit.

Tay Township does not accept credit cards at this time.

Tay Township provides its residents (urban areas) with clean, quality drinking water through the operation of two water treatment systems:

  • Rope Drinking Water System, Waubaushene.
  • Tay Area Drinking Water System

There are three booster stations located in the following communities:

  • Port McNicoll
  • Waubaushene
  • Victoria Harbour

The Rope Drinking Water System serves a small subdivision of approximately 27 properties.

The Tay Area Drinking Water System serves the villages of Victoria Harbour, Port McNicoll and Waubaushene which is approximately 2902 properties.

Rural areas are serviced through private wells and are not part of the Township's drinking water system, nor are they maintained by the Township.

Project Scope

  • Replace remaining media filter with a membrane filter to provide for growth in the Township.
  • Addition of granular activated carbon (GAC), this will help absorb and remove organic molecules, improving water taste and odour.

Total Investment and Schedule

  • Project design began in 2019;
  • Contract awarded in the summer of 2020;
  • Work expected to be completed in August 2021;
  • Funded by:

                   Utility Rates/Reserve $ 1,650,674.00

                   Development Charges $ 2,044,400.00

                   Infrastructure Grant $ 474,926.00

                   Total $ 4,170,000.00


  • Increased capacity from 7,400 m³/d to 10,880 m³/d to meet service population of 11,800


  • Adding one treatment unit with membrane micro-filtration
  • Adding three Granular Activated Charcoal contactors

Consultant and Contractors

  • C.C. Tatham and Associates completed the Environmental Assessment, detailed design, and contract administration
  • WA Stephenson Ltd. are the general contractor
  • Pall Corporation supplied the membrane filtration unit 
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